Finding Shelter

I am a missionary. But I wonder if anyone knows what that means. At times I feel uncertain myself.

I once thought a missionary was someone who went to the jungles of Africa, lived in a mud hut, and told people who had never heard of Jesus about Him.

Now I find myself in Kona, Hawaii, at a place called the University of the Nations. Is it a university or a missions training center? And why would a missionary be there?

“University of the Nations,” I answer the 1-800 number of our campus for the tenth time that day.

“Yes, I was wondering if you had a degree in nursing.”

“No, we don’t currently offer a nursing program, but we do have training in health care, particularly primary health care that can be used in a developing nations situation.”

“Okay, thanks.”

I want to change the world. Am I?

I want to see lives transformed by the power of the Cross.

I long to teach the Word.

I hope to see families restored. In fact, I believe that we can change the world and disciple the nations simply by restoring families one family at a time.

I look at our bank account and begin to wonder if I will be able to pay for gasoline, let alone change the world. I don’t earn a paycheck anymore and I have left everything I ever knew by faith that I was following God’s call on my life.

Am I?

Lord, I need you desperately. To You alone I cling as everything around me falls apart. I know no other rock. I know no other foundation. I long to dwell in Your presence and to know that I am walking with You every step of the way. May I smell Your scent, feel Your warmth, hear Your voice, and be comforted by Your hands. Thank you for giving me an incredible family who also long to follow Your ways wholeheartedly. We take shelter in You.

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