It Makes Me Go Hmmmm

Paul’s letter to the Church of the Ephesians is a favorite. It’s very straightforward, presenting a lot of truth in the first 3 chapters and then providing excellent practical applications for the Christians at Ephesus in chapters 4-6.

Here are some solid truths to stand upon against the lies of the enemy from chapters 1-3:

1. You have every spiritual blessing in Christ.
2. You are adopted as God’s sons and daughters in Christ.
3. You are accepted by the Father in Christ.
4. You are forgiven by grace through Christ’s blood.
5. God’s grace abounds toward us in wisdom and it pleases Him to give it to us.
6. You have the Holy Spirit and He is the guarantee of our inheritance in Christ.
7. You can grow in intimate relationship with the Father.
8. Christ is supreme in authority and power; all are subject to Him.
9. Christ died for you and God demonstrated His love for you even though you were in sin.
10. You are in heavenly places NOW in Christ.
11. You are God’s masterpiece, created for good works, and He has prepared those works for you to do.
12. In Christ you are near the Father and reconciled to Him.
13. Christ is our peace and through Him we have access to the Father.
14. All who are saved are fellow citizens of God’s Kingdom – God’s home
15. Through faith Christ may dwell in your hearts and you can know the love of Christ and be filled with all the perfection and fullness of Christ.
16. He makes His home in you and is able to do beyond our own ability to imagine.

In that context, Paul goes on to apply those truths – the truth that God is our Father and that we are all one family and of one household in Christ Jesus. Chapter 4 paints this unbelievable picture of what living in those truths should look like. In the picture I see no room for argument over the jots and tittles of man-made doctrines; instead, God paints a picture of unity in Christ – humility, gentleness, patience, bearing with one another, and making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit.

There is one body, one Spirit, one calling, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

He wants us to be no longer tossed about the uncertain ocean of every wind of doctrine; instead, we must grow up in Christ, the Truth, the Way, the Life, the very Living Word of God. As we follow Him to the cross, dying to ourselves and living for the Father, we will experience the life of Ephesians 4-6. If we instead choose to give place to the devil and live as though we don’t belong to one another, fighting and tearing one another down, then we will be unable to have a walk worthy of our calling and live the life of love Jesus lived.

This is just one book, but as I read the scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, I see that God’s heart is a heart to relationship, love, reconciliation, rest, unity, and submission to the authority of Jesus Christ. And, it really makes me go “Hmmmmm,” that we continue to strive against one another in disunity, doctrinal distinctives, denominational divides, and dogma. Truth is Truth – yes and amen. He lives. He lives in you and He lives in me. Praise God that Jesus is Lord of all.

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