Jesus Loves Me, This I Know… But Do I Believe?

Matt Redman:  Beautiful NewsBelieve it or not, I sometimes lead worship. I have no real talent, but God gives me passion about Him. This week we will be doing as a special “You Never Let Go.” In preparation I downloaded Matt Redman’s entire album, “Beautiful News.” WOW!

Track 12 is entitled “If You Know You’re Loved.” It says simply, this:

If you know you’re loved by the King,
Sing, sing, sing.
If you know you’re loved by the King,
Live for Him, live for Him.

The more I listened to this passionate praise song, the more I pondered it. God loves you. God loves me. Heck, most Americans have sung multiple times since infancy, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” This is such an obvious thing, ingrained into us that “God loves me.” But are we alive with the reality of what that means? Do we really believe it?

Imagine if Bill Gates knocked on your door. He introduced himself and just said, “I want to be your friend” and was, in fact, incredibly friendly to you. How would you react to him? Imagine if Tiger Woods came looking for you. He just wanted to be your friend. Do you think there would be much you wouldn’t do for him if he came with purpose to become your friend? How about President Clinton or George W. Bush? Bono? They called you up just to be your friend and do anything they could for you?

Well, guess what? The King loves you! He would do anything to be in relationship with you, even die. Whereas Bill Gates has riches, this King has all riches. Whereas Tiger Woods is really talented, this King gave him that talent and could school Tiger any day of the week. Whereas Clinton and Bush have a lot of power, this King has all power, not just on earth but in all the heavens, too. You like Bono’s voice and riches? Just wait until you hear the angels singing praise to this King who loves you.

How can we not live for Him? How? What have I been thinking? What about God loves me, Jesus loves me, Jesus died for me, Jesus gave it all up for me, have I not fully believed, lived for, understood? A dear friend, former high school teacher, and now pastor, Frank Dalmut, told me the other day that he believes when God wipes away every tear in heaven it will be tears that we are crying as we awaken to the reality of how little we understood of God, how small a picture we had of Him, how little we had done for Him, and how much more we could have been and done if we had only truly lived by faith in God, the great I am.

Keep meditating on this:

If you know you’re loved by the King,
Sing, sing, sing.
If you know you’re loved by the King,
Live for Him, live for Him.

For God so loved the world
That He gave…
His only begotten Son
Whosoever believes in Him
Shall not perish
But will have everlasting life.

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